Man I had Wonderful Memories back then, And One of them was This!
It really did make me happy when i saw That Post On My thread again. . . It Was a very Happy Feeling for me and if it Weren't for that. . .
I don't know if i would have still be me At this moment in Newgrounds. . .
Thank you again @NoisySundae For Scouting Me Back then, Thank you @JaThu For being my first friend after being scouted that time!
And thank you everyone to those who still have been Following me Ever Since i started! I have tears of Joy at this Moment right Now while typing this. . .
I wouldn't Have Met So Many Awesome Friends And People if it weren't for this So Thanks Again Everyone And
Good for you.... Come, drink vodka with m.... *Diamond fell asleep*
oh yea, this reminds me of a story
I saw a soccer ball on the ground, came closer, a soccer player got out of it
Player: So Ace, you ready for the championship?
He drops the ball, i take my vodka, kicked it and he fell asleep naked
Me: Save the goal, but didn't save your clothes?
His manager comes to me
Manager: Ace, you have a talent, come play the world league
Standing on a soccer field and pull out Vodka
Fell standing on a pile of Soccer players with the Soccer champion award