Well Finally i managed to finish My First Track for The AIM Contest so HERE IT IS!
Now if i didn't be an idiot and Cut a few Good Parts,(Because i thought there was a specific Time that would be illegal for the Contest...) It would have sounded better...damn
Now if someone could show me how to put an embed code up here to directly Play it...That would be very nice...
Anyways HAPPY ROBOT DAY FOLKS! Since My Avatar is basicly a robot... I Guess? I am a robot? I dont know ...(-___-)
Anyhows Right now, since i still have time, I am making another track at this instant so i might as well try to finish it this week before the deadline!
No art this week...Gawdamnit! @DiamondEclipse !!! You Have Any suggestions with stuff for This?? Tips? What Pixel Grid Size? I am hoping for anything here!!! And NO SAMURAI JACK AND UKI WUKI MUMBO JUMBO CRAP!!!
Very busy to realize I havent made any game yet...Damn!
Well That is All to say...so
Now For a few Mentions!
Do you prefer Long sleeve? or Vest? Cuz I don't know how you would say Piraty like...
I really don't know how you pull those art pieces Off, But i am really Amazed On every Piece You do!
If you Had a ship...What would you name it?
If You know how to make a direct Audio Player on a thread...Pls...Teach me how...I NEED TO KNOW!!!!
If you actually responded to this...I would Freak Out...But anyways I really like your Work man!
Thats All Folks!
Censor or Lord :D (Get it, Censor-ship... Lord-ship :D )
OR BUBBIE! :D Yea I think Bubbie would probably be the best ship name with all things considered.
Awesome. I will get started when the time is finally right!